5 Best Tips To Get Rid Of Acne for men

One of the oldest and most common skin concerns for men that still is a pain to deal with has to be acne. As a skin concern, acne is very common among men of all ages.
As natural as the phenomenon may be, people often tend to make fun of those suffering from it. For preteen and adolescent boys, acne may stem from changing hormones after a certain age. However, for men beyond a certain age, acne can be caused by some seriously flawed habits. And yes, smoking is just one of them.

Your Skincare Products Or Not Using Them

One major cause of untimely acne is the fact that most men don't buy skin care products based on the type of skin they have. That is assuming they use basic skincare products at all. Not only is using the wrong kind pointless, but it can also be downright detrimental for your skin.

Pro Tip: Get your skin tested if you have severe acne or regular breakouts and use skin products that suit your skin. Avoid using products that have a high concentration of sulfates and parabens.

Your Diet

No thanks to our hectic schedules and overworked lifestyles, most of us rely on food that can be downed in a jiffy, and needs little to no effort from us to consume. Not only are these foods high on oil content, but they are also laced with preservatives and taste enhancers that wreak havoc on your skin. There are a lot of us who ignore minor allergic reactions to certain kinds of foods and simply gorge on them. A medical study released in 2013 stated that almost 60% of Indians don't realize that they suffer from a mild case of lactose intolerance.

Pro Tip: Get yourself tested if you see that your skin misbehaves when you have certain kinds of food. Also, try to avoid oily and precooked food as much as you can, as they tend to have the most devastating effects on your gut, overall health, and skin.

Your Hygiene

As obvious as this may seem, you need to stay hygienic. Take bathing for instance. You need to take a proper shower every day, no matter what the weather. So think twice before avoiding that bath this winter. Also, consider switching to a shower gel or something like that. A bar of soap just does not cut it anymore.
There are other things to consider as well. How often you cut your nails, whether or not you get your nails cleaned, the products you use for your clothes. Take note of the way your skin reacts whenever you change something in your routine.

Pro Tip: As we said, take note of how your skin responds to changes. Also, don't skip basic routines and don't shy away from changing products if you need to.

Your Supplements

This holds true especially if you are a muscle buff, work out at the gym and consume supplements. Most supplements are harmless, but there are a few that do not suit everybody. Try switching off of your supplements if you have persistent acne. If it starts disappearing, you have your culprit.

Pro Tip: If it is indeed your supplements that are causing the issue, switch to something that suits you. Have a word with your trainer or dietician, and consult them for a substitute.

Your Hair Products

This may come across as a surprise, but your hair products do affect your skin, especially around your face. If you use a strong anti-dandruff shampoo, or a specific oil or mousse, and find yourself have breakouts often, it's time to switch weightlossinfo.in

Pro Tip: Try going for products that are chemical-free, and have a natural cleansing agent, in case it is your shampoo. For other hair products, try to go for organic and vegan ones as they are the least likely to have adverse effects. Also, take note if your hair product has paraben or sulfate. If it does, it's out.

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